    • Magnificent Melk Abbey in Lower Austria / Melk, Lower Austria
      Architecture in Austria

      To visit Austria is to experience brilliant architecture in dramatic landscapes. Learn more about Austrian architectural styles.

    Belvedere Palace, Vienna

    Baroque: Italian Architects

    In the Baroque period, princes and bishops bought architects in the same way as football clubs buy foreign players today, and building à la italianità was all the fashion.

    See it here:

    • Salzburg Cathedral
    • Belvedere Palace in Vienna
    • Mirabell Palace in Salzburg
    • St. Florian Monastery in Upper Austria
    • Hof Palace in Lower Austria
    • Leopold Wing of the Hofburg in Vienna


    A great view over Vienna Volksgarten, a public garden

    Viennese Classicism

    This era saw an expansion of cities throughout the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the erection of grand buildings, boulevards, plazas, and squares.

    See it here:

    • The grand buildings along the Ringstraße (ring road) in Vienna
    Secession building

    Art Nouveau (Jugendstil)

    An artistic style that originated in Vienna and came to have a considerable influence on Europe and even America was Jugendstil a.k.a. Art Nouveau (1890–1910).

    See it here:

    • Secession in Vienna
    • Residential buildings lining Vienna’s Naschmarkt

    Birdseye view of the Kunsthaus Graz also called the friendly alien / Graz

    Modern Architecture

    Austria has experienced a remarkable architectural awakening in the past decades, giving rise to fantastic futuristic buildings.

    See it here:

    • Kunsthaus Graz
    • Lentos Museum and Ars Electronica Center in Linz
    • Hypermodern government district in St. Pölten

    Austria's westernmost province has become a centre for innovation as well as the source of a new style of wood architecture in Vorarlberg that has spread all over Europe, one that aims for a symbiosis with the surrounding landscape, with the history of the region, and with the identity of the region’s inhabitants.

    • Castle Hochosterwitz / Castle Hochosterwitz
    • Melk Abbey in the Wachau Valley / Stift Melk
    • View to Schönbrunn Palace and the Gloriette / Schloß Schönbrunn
    •                         Bergisel ski jump with view to Karwendel mountains / Bergisel, Innsbruck

      Tirol: Architectural Highlights

      Visitors to Innsbruck in the summer months may be amazed to encounter a glacier-like, futuristic ice formation in the middle of the city.
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    •                         Porcia Castle

      Carinthia: Architectural Highlights

      No Austrian province has more water than Carinthia. It is thus no surprise that an architectural tour of the region invariably leads to a lake: in this case Lake Wörthersee.
      An architectural round trip of Carinthia
    •                         Danube Linz with Ars Electronica Center

      Upper Austria: Architectural Highlights

      Linz is a cosmopolitan city of culture & arts. Small historic cities like Bad Ischl and Hallstatt are treasure troves. Countless abbeys and monasteries can be found throughout the region.
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    •                         Visit Vienna's Art History Museum / Vienna

      Vienna: Architectural Highlights

      Whether in the historic city center, in the traditional wine taverns or on the other side of the Danube: Vienna is full of architectural highlights.
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    •                         Kunsthaus Bregenz Austria / Bregenz

      Vorarlberg: Architectural Highlights

      The landscape of Vorarlberg, Austria’s westernmost province, is striking for its many buildings made with timber.
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    •                         Magnificent Melk Abbey in Lower Austria / Melk, Lower Austria

      Lower Austria: Architectural Highlights

      Lower Austria’s architectural highlights are not limited to a few areas; they are to be found everywhere, from the Wachau valley and the city of Krems to the provincial capital of St. Pölten.
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    •                         Liszt House in Raiding/Burgenland

      Burgenland: Architectural Highlights

      There is no avoiding the subject of wine when travelling through the province of Burgenland. But then again, who would want to?
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    •                         Birdseye view of the Kunsthaus Graz also called the friendly alien / Graz

      Styria: Architectural Highlights

      While the architecture of a region obviously shapes its surroundings, the opposite is just as true. Styria, which boasts such a richly varied landscape, is diverse in its architecture as well.
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    •                         Kapitelplatz, Salzburg

      Salzburg: Architectural Highlights

      If cities had a sense of taste, Salzburg would certainly be sweet. This is not only because Salzburg’s most famous delicacy, the Mozartkugel, is made of the finest of nougat and marzipan.
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