
    Vorarlberg Trail and Bodensee Lake Loop

    Experience the diversity of Vorarlberg's scenery on the bike trail between Bludenz and Bregenz.

    This popular cycleway travels along the Austrian, German, and Swiss shores of Bodensee lake and is lined with numerous attractions - don't forget to bring your passport! Surrounded by a majestic mountain backdrop and and nestled between five valleys, the Medieval Alpine town of Bludenz is the perfect starting point for this Alpine adventure. Bludenz can easily be reached via train (closest airport gateway is Zurich) and besides cycling offers great hiking, fishing, and shopping. For chocolate lovers, don't miss a tour of the Suchard chocolate factory where the famous "Milka" (the purple chocolate you find in every Austrian store) is produced.

    The bike trail follows the Ill river to Feldkirch with its Medieval town centre and the majestic Schattenburg castle. Following the Rhine River north, you will eventually reach Bregenz, known for its summer music festival performances on a floating stage on Bodensee Lake. From Bregenz you will connect to the international Bodensee Lake loop, allowing you to visit Germany and Switzerland as well. If your legs are feeling worn out, you can take a short-cut on the ferry to Konstanz. The loop will bring you back to Bregenz on the south shore of the lake. For added variety, parts of the loop may be accomplished by boat.

    • Distance: Total of 321 km (200 mi), including Bodensee Lake loop
    • Starting Point: Bludenz
    • Start and Finish for Bodensee Lake loop: Bregenz
    • Features: Paved bike paths or roads with very little traffic. Mostly flat.

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