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      Austria’s capital Vienna offers a blend of imperial traditions, music, and endearing charm.


    Austria’s capital Vienna offers a blend of imperial traditions, music, and endearing charm. A city that inspires with the old and the new alike, and always has a cosy place available in a coffee house or wine tavern.

    If you sit on the nearby Kahlenberg mountain and look down on Vienna, you will see what a fascinating collage this city is. There are green, rolling vineyards, and then there are the magnificent, imperial buildings Vienna is known for. After all, Vienna is a city where world history was written for half a millennium. Art history, as well.

    Must-Sees in Vienna

    On a trip along the Ringstrasse, you pass the Vienna State Opera, the Museum of Art History and its counterpart, the Museum of Natural History, the Parliament, the Burgtheater, and the City Hall.

    Right in the heart of the city, the Gothic St. Stephen's Cathedral casts its shadows through narrow cobblestone streets. The palaces and parks of the Habsburg era - Schönbrunn Palace with the Gloriette and the zoo, Belvedere Palace, and the Hofburg palace - give the city an imperial air, enriched by beautiful buildings from the Art Nouveau period.

    About Vienna

    Vienna’s history dates back to the first post-Christian century, when the Romans established the military camp Vindobona. Today’s cityscape is characterised by the abundance of Baroque buildings created mostly under the rule of Empress Maria Theresia (1740 - 1780) and Franz Joseph (1848 - 1916), who was largely responsible for the monumental architecture in the city's centre. Learn more.

    Top 6 Highlights in Vienna

    •                         Schoenbrunn Palace in Vienna / Schloß Schönbrunn

      Schönbrunn Palace

      The former Habsburg summer residence with its beautifully tended gardens, the Gloriette monument, and the world's oldest zoo might just take you back into imperial times.
      Explore a Habsburg castle
    •                         Hofburg - Imperial Palace

      Hofburg Palace

      The Hofburg was the imperial centre of the city and residence to the Habsburg monarchy. Today, it is one of the world's largest palace complexes and houses the Austrian president and the Sisi museum.
      See the imperial apartments
    •                         Lipizzaner, line-up, Spanish Riding School Vienna

      Spanish Riding School Vienna

      Vienna's dancing horses: the Lipizzaner stallions enchant their audience at the oldest riding school in the world.
      Visit the famous white horses
    •                         Belvedere Palace / Belvedere

      Belvedere Palace

      This Baroque masterpiece, built by Prince Eugene of Savoy as his summer residence, houses the world's largest collection of paintings by Gustav Klimt.
      See "The Kiss" in real life
    •                         Giant Ferris Wheel

      The Giant Ferris Wheel

      The Giant Ferris Wheel in the historic Prater amusement park gives you some of the best views over the city. Its cars can be booked for private breakfasts, candle-lit dinners, and even weddings.
      See Vienna from above
    •                         Sunset in Vienna

      Parks, Woods & Vineyards

      Vienna has been voted the most liveable city in the world many times over. Three of the reasons: its parks, the Vienna Woods, and its vineyards.
      Relax in the shade

    Explore Vienna's Lifestyle

    The Erlkings, music ensemble from Vienna

    Get your Artist’s Guide to Vienna - featuring The Erlkings

    Have you ever wondered what makes Vienna the world’s capital of music? More famous composers have lived here than in any other city. Why is that? What inspired them? The talented music ensemble The Erlkings responded with their personal insights and tips to these questions and this culturally rich city. Get your copy!

    Read more

    Music is in the Air

    Vienna: City of Music

    Vienna is home to the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, one of the best orchestras in the world. And even among the world's greatest conductors, it is an honour to take the lead at the New Years Day Concert, held at the Golden Hall of the Musikverein every year on the 1st of January.

    The Vienna Boy's Choir inspires music lovers around the globe with their great voices.

    In addition to classical music, Vienna offers jazz fans unique concerts at the Porgy & Bess jazz club, but fans of the electronic music scene can also find their rhythm at unusual locations such as the Danube Canal or the Praterstern.

    Vollpension Schleifmühlgasse

    Welcome to Vollpension

    Granny’s public living room in Vienna

    When you open the door to ‘Vollpension Generation Café’ aka ‘Granny’s public living room’ you instantly feel like you enter the living room of your childhood where you get a warm hug and be spoiled by your grandma’s freshly baked cakes. The concept of this café in Vienna is based on exactly that feeling.

    Vollpension is German for both, a hotel stay including full-board – similar to your granny’s place - and retirement payment. Old-age poverty and loneliness are big issues not only in Austria but around the world. Therefore, 50% of the Vollpension team are older than 60.

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